Double Fiber Technology in Artificial Grass
The Double Fiber Technology is an advanced weaving method which involves two fiber types – vertical and curled.
The curled fiber provides support for the vertical fiber in the grass foundation. This support allows for the fibers remain vertical over time even after many footsteps
(for example: in playing fields, events halls, coffee shops, etc.).

Super Fiber – Artificial Grass with Strengthened Fibers
Our artificial grass fibers are produced in the Super Fiber method, which provides every fiber with a spine. The most advanced labs in the world spent years developing the fibers, which excel in their high resistance to wear and extreme weather. In addition, the fibers contain a special anti-sun-heat coating, fire retardants and a UV protector, to maintain their color for many years.

You won’t believe it’s artificial grass!
We invest a lot of resources in developing our artificial grass models, so they will look natural. During the recent years we have managed to create artificial grass models which involve several color shades and resemble the shape of grass leaves just like in nature.
No treatment, no sand and no rubber flakes
In the past, the production method of artificial grass was outdated, and the surface had low fiber density. After installation, silicate sand must have been spread over the artificial grass carpet.
The sand acts as a greenhouse for insects and weeds, it also wanes in time and must be renewed – the treatment and maintenance is expensive, the sand doesn’t allow creating a sterile, clean surface and may also get within your house, it makes the artificial grass carpets’ periodic cleaning hard, and the dust that the silicate sand generates might be harmful to your health.
Double fiber instead of sand – great financial savings.
Today, the artificial grass fibers remain vertical with no need for silicate sand filling or any other maintenance. The high fibers density provides great weight to the grass carpets and helps significantly in fixing them to the base surface.
There are many advantages:
- The artificial grass is durable over time, even after many footsteps, and its quality is preserved over years.
- The double fiber allows enjoying a green surface throughout the year and save the maintenance expenditures of filling the silicate sand.
- The artificial grass carpets of Deshe Kavua company are produced in advanced factories which meet the ISO standard and are subject to quality control, research and development in the field.
- The artificial grass is produced in the strictest conditions in the world, and it contains fire retardants, antioxidants and UV radiation filters.
- The technological development of the double fibers provides a very dense, natural appearance. The artificial grass has a soft, pleasant touch and may be installed in many various places such as private homes, public areas, businesses, internal surfaces, balconies, roofs and more.